Share Your Favorite Lincoln State Park Photo

With many folks stuck at home and looking for things to do, we’re going to try a little experiment. Do you have a favorite photo of Lincoln State Park from the past or from a more recent memory? We’ve created a form where you can submit your photo along with a description and we’ll share them here and on our Instagram and Twitter accounts. Hoping to see some interesting photos and maybe some from days gone by.

To use the form you will need to have a Google account. If you need one, it’s very simple to create one. Here is the link for submitting your photos:

Or post your photo with the hashtag #LincolnStatePark and we’ll grab and share them from there. Just be sure to include a description of when and where you took the photo and why it’s special to you.

Check out our Photo Shares page to see a collection of all the photos we have received and shared so far!

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